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약산성 샴푸, 두피 건강을 위해! 샴푸에도 약산성이라는 것이 붙어 있는 줄 모르고, 그냥 아무거나 쓰던 저와 가족입니다. 샴푸가 거기서 아니가 되고 싶기도 했어요 머리만 깨끗이 감아도 생각하고 있었기에 별 생각없이 싸고 용량이 많은 것으로 대량대량 구입해 놓고 쓰던 울가 가족 근데 남편 두피에다가 어느 순간부터 두피에 뾰루지가 입주해서 살고 있네요. 세안은 불가능하고, 관리를 위해서는 약산성 샴푸가 좋다고 해서 찾아봤어요. 샴푸가되는이유도있습니다. 열이 높기 때문이라고 했습니다. 가뜩이나 여름을 타는 남편이라 추운 날씨에도 부채질하는데 머리가 듬성듬성 나 있다 머리는 얼마나 큰가 싶었거든요. 원래 이런거에 관심이 없는 사람이니까 뭐든지 사주면 잘 쓰고 사실 저렴한 것만 사서 진열해 놨어요. 마트에 가면 가격대가 있는 것도 있는데 싸.. 더보기
Vietnam Hoi an AO SHOW Really satisfactory performance! I've been on Vietnam many times, Vietnam Hoi an AO SHOW on this trip That was very impressive! The AO SHOW is about Vietnam's beauty. It's a show that you can feel the same way it is. with bamboo circus, dance or acrobatics. It's a performance with songs and lights. Vietnam Hoi an AO SHOW. Ho Chi Minh to perform in Hanoi I'm doing it. Besides the AO SHOW for Hoi an, water puppet shows, memory sh.. 더보기
The evolution of the mask advanced by Covid-19 The number of patent applications related to the technology for eliminating inconvenience of masks and intelligent masks for customized functions has increased rapidly. In July, a Korean company gave medical staff an air cleaning function, not a health mask. Controlled Electronic Mask' has received much attention for its donation. respiratory detection sensor and The speed of the fan is adjusted.. 더보기
3억8,160만달러 미국 억만장자가 베트남에 간 이유. 3억8,160만달러짜리 억만장자 'Give While Alive'가 베트남에 도착했습니다. 89세의 미국 억만장자는 인생의 최대의 목표를 달성한 지 얼마 안 됐어요. 내가 모은 80억달러을 다 기부하고 남은 생은생을 위해 200만달러만 남겼습니다. "그는 살아있는 부처다"라고 판탕퉁은 억만장자 척 피니에 대해 말했습니다. 빈손으로 태어나고 빈손으로 떠난다. 미국의 억만장자 척 페니는 그런 견해를 갖고 좋은일을 해왔습니다. 그는 기부를 할 때, 그는 자신이 기부한 돈이 적절한 사람, 적절한 일에 쓰였는지 직접 확인하고 싶었습니다. 기사 참조 https://tuoitre.vn/ 그날 회의는 돈의 목적에 대해 남 다른 생각을 심어주었습니다. 그리고 저는 많은 의문을 가졌습니다. 척 피니가 누구야? 해외에서 장.. 더보기
How to solve insomnia... In a way to overcome insomnia Many ways with Ericks Mom There are many ways. Exercise before you meditate in yoga Occasionally, there are wooden fish hits and Bible readings. How hard was it to fall asleep I thought that even such a method would be introduced. It's fun before I got to experience it There was also a cynical reaction to why he did such a thing. But I can't sleep directly I decided.. 더보기
What should a child who does not eat rice do? Until this time, in front of the table I did sumo wrestling with my child, but for a while All three of us are going to have a friendly meal I was completely absorbed in the fun of eating together with my family. Now while eating Dr. Flover Iviol I'm getting better and I have a bright smile It was really hard for a child who didn't eat 365 days. If you are worried like me Take a closer look at D.. 더보기
There seems to be a good supplement in the liver, can you believe it? I started eating to keep my liver healthy, It was MILK THISTLE. Of course, I got a very good effect, Explaining good points to your friends I eat when I like But one friend didn't know exactly how to take milk thistle It was going to be hard. So after you know how to drink milk thistle Keep in mind that you have to take it! About 5 months have passed since I started eating MILK THISTLE. Before t.. 더보기
What is the reason why my body swells? Every person should have an action to wake up in the morning. I wake up someday before waking up You grab the calf and start rubbing. This is because the swelling of the calves is so severe that it becomes difficult to get up quickly. I wasn't sure why I was swelling I have a lot of hard work for a while and go to a workplace where I stand up and work. I wondered if that was the case, so I just .. 더보기